What has also begun is my next journey with the Lord. Everyday I get more and more excited about this upcoming year and the promises it holds. I know the Lord is going to be revealing some amazing things to me in this next season and piece by piece over the last month He has begun the revealing process. This week I signed up for my first graphic design course, which is one piece of this next journey. I am excited to be diving into this dream that I have had for a few years and am anxious to see what the Lord is going to do with it. I look forward to more and more of it being revealed as days and weeks go by, and I just keep praying that God would give me the patience I need to accept these things in His timing. The possibilities are endless and I serve a God who can and will do "immeasurably more than all I can ask or imagine." Of that I am certain, and of that is where my hope lies! I can't wait to share this journey with you as it is revealed to me step by step.
Pictures from my time in El Paso last week:
This is what greeted staff who arrived last week. We had a western theme.