Friday, October 13, 2006

Eye Candy

Fall is one of my most favorite seasons. Vibrant colors leaping out at you from every tree and bush. Swirling together in a type of rainbow that seems to glow and jump right out at you. Being a very visual person, the vibrancy of these colors are like candy to my eyes. I spent some time down by the Mississippi River one afternoon taking some pictures of the area and I wanted to share them with you.

Some flowers that look like they belong to the spring. They were just tiny and delicate.

I love the way the colors bleed from green to orange to red. Each leaf filled with every imaginable blend of color, no two the same.

Thanks Lord for candy for my eyes. For showing your love and your beauty through the magnificence of your creation!

1 comment:

Anita said...

Fantastic pics! Fall is hands down my favorite season. I LOVE the color change, especially in the midwest. Thank you Lord for sight to enjoy the changing of seasons! Thanks for sharing your shots with the rest of us!
