Monday, October 15, 2007

CCDA-Renewal, Refreshment, Revival

I had the opportunity to head to St Louis last week for a 4 day conference. I attended the Christian Community Development Association conference (CCDA) for the first time and had a blast. it was a great week/weekend of learning and being refreshed by the Lord. It was a great reminder to me that I am excited about developing and mentoring leaders. It was great to see so many like-minded people in one place. People who long to fight for those who don't have a voice and people who long to spread Christ's love. People who are working to cross the barriers of race and economic class that so divide the Body of Christ. I was challenged to start working now on goals and dreams that I have, knowing that the Lord will provide as needed and that with His help anything is possible. It was great to spend time with great friends and to have intentional conversations.

Jesus, continue to lay the things that I learned and experienced on my heart. Continue to mold and refine this heart that so easily becomes hard. Open my eyes to see the vision and the passion that you have for my life. I am yours Lord. Mold me. Shape me. Refine me. Help me to be a lover of your people. Help me to encourage and push forward people who have little faith in themselves. Help me to be a speaker of your truth. Help me to be a lover of your word. Help me to run hard after you.

1 comment:

Jenilyn said...

Amen, Kari! I'm so glad you got to experience CCDA; it definitely gave me lots to chew on too. It was great to get to see you there!