Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Movie of Life

Sometimes I think life would be so much easier if it was like a movie. My hair and make-up would always look perfectly done (including right away in the morning or after a good cry-fest), all of my life's problems would be solved within the course of about 2 hours, and I would meet the perfect guy in some random place upon which we have this whirlwind romance, a horrible fight and then an amazing reconciliation which includes him professing his undying  love and affection for me. After that, we would ride off into the sunset to have a blissful, adventuresome life together where we don't worry about anything but what we will eat for dinner. 

How different real life is. My hair and make-up are always a wreck (for some reason I still haven't mastered make-up and I often end up looking like a prepubescent girl who is playing dress-up with her mama's things, and my hair and I have given up on one another), my life's problems are never solved in a couple hours time, and I have yet to meet an amazing guy in a random place and have him fall madly in love with me at first sight. 

Life, unlike in the movies, is fraught with many unknowns and much doubt and uncertainty. Real life relationships (friendships and romantic alike) are never pretty and involve a large amount of work and self-sacrifice. You never find "the perfect" job, house, car, furniture, clothing, haircut, mate, But that reminds me that my life here was never meant to please me or to be perfect because I live in a fallen world, with fallen people. What I truly look for and seek is what comes next. A place I know almost nothing about but a place that my heart cries out for everyday. Don't get me wrong, there are many things to celebrate in this life and many moments of joy and happiness. But I am talking about true unadulterated contentment. Contentment that speaks of endless bliss and happiness. Contentment that comes from feeling 100% at home. Contentment unlike any I will experience in this life but contentment that I will live everyday with in the next one. 


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I'm taking a lunch break & I remembered to check your blog (I know...pick your jaw up off the ground)!

Seriously! Oh how I wish that life ended like so many movies (or books for that matter)--happy & secure, even after coming through so many heartaches & trials...a movie where even the stubborn, independent, hard-headed girl is pursued by the perfect guy for her.

I guess the discontentment DOES remind us that there is something greater to hope for & look forward to. If we were perfectly content in this life, what would the point be in eternal life with our True Lover?

Until then, I will press on in hopeful anticipation because in the words of Scarlett O'Hara at the end of Gone with the Wind, "After all...tomorrow is another day." (which, on a side note, I DETEST that ending--just as I do the ending of My Fair Lady, but don't get me started;). What kind of movie ENDS that way?! Movies that were created to be love stories are NOT supposed to mirror real life by ending realistically--ew!) I love you! D

Anita said...

Gotta agree with ya ladies...oh how nice and simple life would be if everything just fell into place like a movie. About that guy Lord???

Great entry friend, thanks for being so transparent! We can ALL relate!


P.S. speaking of make-up why do I have more pimples NOW at the age of 30 than I did in puberty???

Harman said...

You are such a good writer Kari. I enjoy reading your blog. I'll read it more often now because there is a link to it on our blog. Love you.

uncle tim said...

so, as I eat my lunch today, I stumble upon your's very cool to read about your journey and your ministry...rock it out, Kari Smith. Thanks for blessing me today.

Sara Wang said...

Your blog inspires me to write more of my thoughts in my blog....recording my journey. Not just the day-to-day events, but my response to them. You are amazing, Kari! I am blessed to know you.