Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Life...Why Does It Have To Be So Dang Hard?

The past week has been a little rough emotionally. When I was younger I thought that all my insecurities, all the times that I didn't feel like I fit in, all the work friendships/relationships takes, would all magically become easier. We would all get along because we are adults. We would all be less selfish because we "know" that we should put others before ourselves. We would be confident in who we are because, well, who cares. 

Sadly, this isn't true. Friendships/relationships don't become easier. The frustrations and arguments and fights look different, but they are still there. Being sinful people, we still have to work at putting others before ourselves, and often it is easier to think only of what I want when I want it. I still fight all the same insecurities that I have since the day I knew what those were-am I boring? Am I too ugly? Am I too fat? Does anyone like me? What if I say the wrong thing? It's true that they have a lot less power over me now than they did when I was 15, but I am sad to say that they are still there. Looming in the back of my mind. Waiting for just the right moment to pop into my head. Moments when I am feeling down and out. Moments when life gets hard. 

So often I feel alone. I have been blessed with some amazing people who I call friends, but so many days I long for someone to truly know me and to care for me. Someone who can look at me and know that I what I need right now is a hug or a kind word. Someone who loves me for who I am-goofiness and all. Someone who can just hold me and help the worries of life fade away, if only for a few moments. I know that the Lord is what I should find my sufficiency in, but sometimes I long for someone with skin on. Someone who can walk this life of faith with me. Who can rejoice in the Lord with me. Who can share in my suffering and pain. 


Anita said...

Kari...thanks for being so honest and vulnerable..."True Faced." I am working this semester on TRUSTING God to provide the desires of my heart...a husband. For years I had given up on Him in regard to this, but He refines us through these times (as you know) and HE DESIRES our absolute TRUST. He knows and sees all things...our insecurities, desires, everything.

Keep TRUSTING my friend!

Anonymous said...

Kari, your honesty, vulnerability and just plain authenticity continually amaze me. Life continues to have its ups and downs and I am continually more and more grateful for the faithfulness of God and even more how He continues that lesson of faithfulness each day and as I trust more, He desires more trust. In the difficulty of the pain and hurt He is there and gives us hope.