Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Immeasurably More


2 little words with such big meaning. 2 little words that seem so selfish to ask for and yet ridiculous not to ask for


What the Lord does and longs for us everyday. The Gospels are full of these words. A man who wants his sins healed walks away on new legs. A man on a road to Damascus trapped in hatred that he can't even see receives a transformed life and a prominent place in the Bible.

immeasurably more

2 words that, without thinking about, you can pass right over in Ephesians 3, not realizing the power that is contained within them. Words that speak of things you can't even fathom or believe to be true. Words that speak of blessing far beyond what we deserve as people who are fallen and depraved. Words that speak volumes about the intense, never ending, gracious love that the Lord has for his children.

Jesus, may I never stop believing that you can do immeasurably more than all I can ask or imagine. This summer may you open my eyes (and the eyes of my staff) to these 2 small words. May we watch for you to do immeasurably more and when you do, may we give you all the praise and glory. "To Him be glory, in the church and in Christ Jesus, throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:21

1 comment:

Anita said...

Preach on sista! I enjoyed reading this post and reflecting on those words myself. So much meaning in so few words. Reminds me of a study I am doing "What is God Like?" and the name "I AM" stuck out to me more than ever before. HE IS sufficient, He knows ALL things, He IS everywhere, he IS ALL powerful. HE IS IMMESURABLY MORE than all we ask, hope or need in life.

HE IS WORTHY of ALL our praise and adoration!