Friday, July 20, 2007

My Week in the Soo

I was finally able to come and hang out with my staff in Sault Ste Marie, MI. It was a great week with great youth and adults as well as great times with my staff. Some highlights of the week were...

Arriving to this welcome sign in the place where my airmattress was to be placed...right in between Kirby and favorite spot. Notice the 4 different types of Diet Coke lined up at the top. They are the best...and I may have gotten them all addicted to Diet Coke...oops!

Making homemade salsa and cookies with Heather...they were delish...notice my pizza shaped hat...I definitely wore it to Club one night.

Joe and Jacob sharing a licorice never know what an evening staff meeting will bring.

One of my favorite youth from the week (although I had many "favorites" this week) Carmen and I sporting our killer tatoos, which were purchsed from the vending machine at the shower site.

Carmen is a sweet, spunky, no-nonsense girl from Little Rock, AR. She was great!

A close up of our tats (as we like to refer to them). My arm is the sea turtle and hers is the butterfly. Pretty tight if I do say so myself!

Thank you Lord for an amazing week with so many amazing youth and adults who loved on us and were a blast to hang out with. Thank you for the refreshment that it provided to me in the middle of the summer. Father please continue to grant us energy and enthusiasm to get through these last 3 weeks of the summer. May we be intentional to soak in the blessing that so many of these youth and adults are to us.


Anita said...

Nice "tat." I think you should considering duplicating it with a permanent one. Sea turtles suit you well. :)

J.D. Girl

Kari Smith said...

actually that was my thought! Might as well cover my arm with a large sparkling sea turtle...who knows what I might have when I see you next! :)