Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh the things you do at YouthWorks...

When you sign up to work at YouthWorks you sign up for more than just the bulleted items on your job sign up for all the jobs in the fine fine print...electrician, chef, conflict manager, nurse, and...plumber! Which is exactly what Heather (my SD in Sault Ste Marie) and I turned into yesterday.

We had been having drainage problems in our kitchen. Yesterday got especially bad when we came into the kitchen to find the floor covered with water. After some investigation, and some help from the janitor, we pulled the huge metal cover off the floor. Underneath was a large grease trap and one of the grossed things I have ever seen. In order to find the drainage problem we had to empty out this massive disgusting grease trap. The first layer of muck was approximately a 2 inch deep coagulated mass of grease (yummy) that looked like it had been sitting there since 1970...we then proceeded (with gloved hands) to scoop out the rest of the scum filled water. It looked like (sorry to gross you out) very horrible diarrhea. Thankfully it didn't start to smell too horrible until we got to the bottom. Then we had to concentrate on breathing out of our mouths in order not to puke.

I included a couple pictures to document the nastiness for your veiwing pleasure!

Praise the Lord for adventures like this that turn into great stories and memories!

P.S. we finally got the problem figured out ( least enough to slow down the flooding in the kitchen) just a few minutes before our first group returned from the showers.

Oh the things you do at YouthWorks...


Anita said...

You're amazing. Don't know if I could be that faithful of a worker. God bless Youthworks! employees! Did I mention DISGUSTING?!?!!!!


Anonymous said...

i love youthworks!
last year was awesome!
this year we went to thunder bay
praise the Lord for youthworks!